ILLINOIS NURSING IN CRISIS | A Comprehensive Survey Reveals a Continuing Systemic level of Staffing Shortages, Moral Distress, and Attrition Among Registered Nurses

For over two years, the COVID-19 pandemic stressed nurses and tested their skills and stamina. Preexisting nursing shortages deepened, leading to heightened workloads and severe burnout among nurses. Now, in the aftermath of COVID, a new survey reveals a continuing crisis of nurses’ mental and physical well-being, patient care quality, and the overall public health … Read more

CONSTRUCTION APPRENTICESHIPS AS A CAREER DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVE IN INDIANA | Enrollment, Diversity, Hours, Completion Rates, and Earnings in Registered Apprenticeship Programs

Registered apprenticeships are training programs in which participants “earn while they learn” with tuition costs covered by employers or joint labor-management organizations, who gain access to a stable pool of skilled workers. Apprenticeship training is particularly important to combating skilled labor shortages in construction. Read full report here.

CONSTRUCTION APPRENTICESHIPS AS A CAREER DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVE IN MICHIGAN | Enrollment, Diversity, Hours, Completion Rates, and Earnings in Registered Apprenticeship Programs

Registered apprenticeships are training programs in which participants “earn while they learn” with tuition costs covered by employers or joint labor-management organizations, who gain access to a stable pool of skilled workers. Apprenticeship training is particularly important to combating skilled labor shortages in construction. Joint labor-management apprenticeship programs account for the vast majority of registered … Read more