EXAMINING ILLINOIS WAGE GAPS 2018-2022 | Gender and Race Differences Matter

Cover of the wage gap report.

Current wage equity issues exist in Illinois, especially among women, Black, andHispanic workers. Policymakers must address gender/racial wage gap issues to enhance thestate’s overall social equity and inclusiveness. To help policymakers achieve this goal, this Projectfor Middle Class Renewal (PMCR) report based on 2018-2022 data from the American CommunitySurvey (ACS) reveals several key findings about … Read more

Families’ Experiences with the Child Tax Credit | Advancing Tax Equity through Administration Reforms and Community Partnerships

This report draws on the U.S. Census Household Pulse survey to illustrate important diversity in reported CTC-receipt by race, gender, income, family structure, and marital status among households who would be potentially eligible for CTC. We also summarize findings from in-depth interviews and focus groups with parents/caregivers, outreach workers, community organization stakeholders, and tax preparers … Read more

Toward a Theory of Super-Exploitation: The Subproletariat, Harold “Hal” Baron, and the Crisis of the Political Economy of Black Labor

This article argues that the African American working class can be conceptualized as a subproletariat: a subsection of the working class generally restricted to unstable, unskilled, low-wage, non-union, and “dirty” labor. The restructuring of capital during various periods in the U.S. history always strategically positioned the vast majority of Black people in subproletarian labor. Under … Read more

Implementing a Fair Workweek Law in Illinois | Protecting Frontline Workers from Unpredictable Schedules

Fair workweek laws, also called predictive scheduling laws, have been implemented in Oregon and seven municipalities—including the City of Chicago—to protect workers from unstable scheduling practices. Implemented in June 2020, Chicago’s Fair Workweek Ordinance covers workers at large employers in seven essential and face-to-face industries: building services, health care, hotels, manufacturing, restaurants, retail trade, and … Read more

Minority Employment in the Illinois Imaging Sector | The Impact of License Requirements on Diversity

Cover image for Minority Employment in the Illinois Imaging Sector

The biomedical imaging career path represents opportunities for middle-class incomes but does not have a population-representative diverse work force either locally or nationally. Workers are stratified by gender and race in the field of biomedical imaging.   Our research project examines this field with the aim of better understanding both sides of hiring: how potential employees learn … Read more


The Illinois State Broad of Education (ISBE) mandated Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA), a performance-based assessment to evaluate teaching readiness, as a part of the licensure requirements since July 2015. The new examination imposed significant monetary ($300-$1,200 per applicant) and time investments, which had a disproportionate effect on minority prospective teacher candidates. The impact of the … Read more


In 2014, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) adopted a system-wide Student Based Budgeting model for determining individual school budgets. Our report examines the impact of Student Based Budgeting. Our findings show that CPS’ putatively color-blind Student Based Budgeting reproduces racial inequality by concentrating low budget public schools almost exclusively in Chicago’s Black neighborhoods. The clustering of … Read more