WHAT MAKES WORK MORE THAN JUST A LIVING? Determinants of Employment Quality in Illinois

Our researchers at the University of Illinois Project for Middle Class Renewal (PMCR) have developed a comprehensive approach to identify the factors that determine Employment Quality in Illinois (EQ-IL 2.0). It develops ten dimensions, each with sub-components, including both subjective and objective measures. Following up on EQ-Il 1.0, we use a large survey collected in 2023 of 5,600 … Read more

UNION REPRESENTATION DURING A PANDEMIC | The Case of K-12 School COVID Protocols, Public Health and Individual Autonomy

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound effect on the Illinois educational workforce, creating a complex interplay between public health measures, individual autonomy, and union dynamics. This report, based on a survey of Illinois Federation of Teachers (IFT) members, highlights these multifaceted responses to vaccine mandates and the intricate position of teachers’ unions during these … Read more

Minority Employment in the Illinois Imaging Sector | The Impact of License Requirements on Diversity

Cover image for Minority Employment in the Illinois Imaging Sector

The biomedical imaging career path represents opportunities for middle-class incomes but does not have a population-representative diverse work force either locally or nationally. Workers are stratified by gender and race in the field of biomedical imaging.   Our research project examines this field with the aim of better understanding both sides of hiring: how potential employees learn … Read more