WHAT MAKES WORK MORE THAN JUST A LIVING? Determinants of Employment Quality in Illinois

Our researchers at the University of Illinois Project for Middle Class Renewal (PMCR) have developed a comprehensive approach to identify the factors that determine Employment Quality in Illinois (EQ-IL 2.0). It develops ten dimensions, each with sub-components, including both subjective and objective measures. Following up on EQ-Il 1.0, we use a large survey collected in 2023 of 5,600 … Read more


In 2022 Illinois became the fifth state to pass a Constitutional Amendment protecting the rights of workers. Unlike other states, however, Illinois voters passed a ballot measure to create what is arguably the strongest constitutional provisions protecting collective bargaining in the country. PMCR presents two thought pieces on the Amendment.  The first paper, by Professor … Read more


Welcome to our first fact sheet documenting strikes by union and nonunion workers across Illinois. These data are derived from the Labor Action Tracker, a project started in 2021 that comprehensively documents strike activity in the United States. As of January 2024, the Labor Action Tracker is a joint project between Cornell University’s School of … Read more

EFFECTS OF THE EXPANDED CHILD TAX CREDIT ON EMPLOYMENT OUTCOMES | Evidence from the Midwest and Implications for Illinois

The Child Tax Credit (CTC) underwent a significant transformation under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP-CTC) from July to December 2021, becoming a near-universal child allowance. The expanded CTC represented a significant milestone in US social policy, included increasing the maximum annual benefit size, making the benefit fully refundable, and converting the annual payment to … Read more

EXAMINING ILLINOIS WAGE GAPS 2018-2022 | Gender and Race Differences Matter

Cover of the wage gap report.

Current wage equity issues exist in Illinois, especially among women, Black, andHispanic workers. Policymakers must address gender/racial wage gap issues to enhance thestate’s overall social equity and inclusiveness. To help policymakers achieve this goal, this Projectfor Middle Class Renewal (PMCR) report based on 2018-2022 data from the American CommunitySurvey (ACS) reveals several key findings about … Read more

ILLINOIS NURSING IN CRISIS | A Comprehensive Survey Reveals a Continuing Systemic level of Staffing Shortages, Moral Distress, and Attrition Among Registered Nurses

For over two years, the COVID-19 pandemic stressed nurses and tested their skills and stamina. Preexisting nursing shortages deepened, leading to heightened workloads and severe burnout among nurses. Now, in the aftermath of COVID, a new survey reveals a continuing crisis of nurses’ mental and physical well-being, patient care quality, and the overall public health … Read more

UNION REPRESENTATION DURING A PANDEMIC | The Case of K-12 School COVID Protocols, Public Health and Individual Autonomy

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound effect on the Illinois educational workforce, creating a complex interplay between public health measures, individual autonomy, and union dynamics. This report, based on a survey of Illinois Federation of Teachers (IFT) members, highlights these multifaceted responses to vaccine mandates and the intricate position of teachers’ unions during these … Read more