Public Health Impacts of Underemployment and Unemployment in the United States: Exploring Perceptions,Gaps and Opportunities

Background: Unemployment, underemployment, and the quality of work are nationaloccupational health risk factors that drive critical national problems; however, to date, there havebeen no systematic efforts to document the public health impact of this situation. Methods: Anenvironmental scan was conducted to explore the root causes and health impacts of underemployment and unemployment and highlight multilevel … Read more


The City of Chicago is experiencing extremely high rates of African-American unemployment compared to the rest of the nation. This report, conducted by researchers at the Illinois Economic Policy Institute and the Project for Middle Class Renewal at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, seeks to understand the causes of high African-American unemployment in Chicago … Read more

Out-of State Labor and the Illinois Preference Act

The Employment of Illinois Workers on Public Works Act, 30 ILCS 570/0.01 et seq. (Illinois Preference Act), also known as the “Preference to Illinois Citizens Act”, requires contractors to use at least 90 percent Illinois laborers on all public works projects that receive State funds or funds administered by the State during a period of … Read more