Peter Fugiel is a postdoc affiliated with the Department of Labor Studies and Employment Relations on a two-year research fellowship through the National Science Foundation. His research examines labor scheduling in relation to job quality, work-life conflict, and political economy. He is writing a book about fair workweek laws that seek to limit unpredictable or unsociable scheduling, mainly at large retail and restaurant chains. This project builds on prior work at the workplace justice lab@RU to understand the conditions for effective scheduling regulation at the local level.
Trained as a sociologist, Fugiel has a decade of research and teaching experience in industry and academia. As a doctoral student at the University of Chicago, he worked on several field studies of scheduling in retail stores. As a research assistant at NORC, he prepared technical documentation and analyses for government-sponsored projects such as the National Survey of Early Care and Education. Before coming to Rutgers, Fugiel was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Illinois School of Labor and Employment Relations, where he helped lead a study of employment quality in Illinois.