PMCR and ILEPI Report | Living Wages in Registered Apprenticeship Programs | An Assessment by Industry, Demographics, State, and Labor Policy

“Despite dire predictions from many economic commentators, a national recession was avoided in 2022, 2023, and 2024. However, the risk of a recession remains elevated in 2025 and beyond. This report explores how Illinois fares on key items that are correlated with a state’s economic resiliency and ability to weather the consequences of a recessionary cycle. Policy changes, revenue improvements, and investments in education, infrastructure, and energy systems have all strengthened the economy and made Illinois more resistant to the next recession. While no state is “recession-proof” or insulated against national forces that trigger economic downturns, Illinois is far better positioned to withstand these forces than at any point in recent history.”

PMCR and ILEPI Report | Resisting the Next Recession | Measuring Illinois Economic Resiliency

“Despite dire predictions from many economic commentators, a national recession was avoided in 2022, 2023, and 2024. However, the risk of a recession remains elevated in 2025 and beyond. This report explores how Illinois fares on key items that are correlated with a state’s economic resiliency and ability to weather the consequences of a recessionary cycle. Policy changes, revenue improvements, and investments in education, infrastructure, and energy systems have all strengthened the economy and made Illinois more resistant to the next recession. While no state is “recession-proof” or insulated against national forces that trigger economic downturns, Illinois is far better positioned to withstand these forces than at any point in recent history.”

Interview with Prof. Bruno

Mass exodus from Illinois? New report debunks the myth. The state lost 460,000 residents from 2010 to 2020, but the loss was largely offset by immigrants moving to Illinois, the report shows.

UIUC News Bureau | Study: Tipped restaurant workers in Chicago compensated at rates below minimum wage

A new study assessing the state of food service and bar employment in the city of Chicago found that more than three-quarters of tipped workers surveyed were compensated at an hourly wage rate of less than the standard Chicago minimum wage, says Alison Dickson, a senior instructor in the School of Labor and Employment Relations … Read more

WBEZ Chicago | The Project for Middle Class Renewal’s tipped worker study cited

A survey conducted by the Project for Middle Class Renewal at the University of Illinois of roughly 1,200 Chicago tipped workers in July 2022, found that nearly 57 percent of those surveyed said they were required to illegally “tip-out” their managers in the week prior, more than 43% said they faced at least one form of illegal discrimination on the job in the prior year and approximately 43% reported experiencing homelessness for at least one night in the past year.

Capitol News Illinois | ‘Surge’ in organization efforts has labor leaders optimistic for the future

‘State of the Unions’ report shows increased organizing activity
As workers in Illinois prepare to celebrate Labor Day this weekend, a new report shows there has been a surge in efforts to organize labor unions in workplaces throughout the state, while overall public approval of labor unions nationally is the highest in nearly six decades.