Employment Law & Workplace Rights for Workforce Development Professionals
Knowledge about basic worker protections is a crucial component of any job-readiness program or training for workers. In partnership with workforce development agencies, faith-based institutions, community colleges, veterans’ programs, and community-based organizations, LEP faculty provide introductory workers’ rights classes to groups that are already engaged in a collective learning process. These interactive workshops help students understand their rights on the job and ways in which they can protect themselves from violations of workplace laws. Students who are aware of their rights at work can protect themselves against wage theft, illegal discrimination, workplace injuries, and other violations of the law.
To combat the lack of knowledge of basic workplace rights, LEP and the Chicago Jobs Council’s Frontline Focus Training Institute (FFTI) partnered to bring workers’ rights education into workforce development programming in the Chicago area. LEP directly trains workforce agency staff and job seekers in their programs on workers’ and FFTI delivers a 2-day train-the-trainer course on how to teach workers’ rights in a workforce development setting.
LEP has partnered with the Chicago Jobs Council’s Frontline Focus Training Institute to provide worker rights training for frontline workforce development staff. These classes focus on key areas of employment law that affect workers earning lower wages in Illinois and discuss ways to incorporate this crucial information into job readiness curriculums.
Visit http://cjc.net/frontline-focus/ for more information or to register for an upcoming course.